Food Safety – Protecting Your Bottom Line

Food safety has become increasingly important and over the last decade has become a sub-industry of the food service industry.

The importance of food safety does not just affect your immediate income. If a food safety outbreak occurred on your premises if would have a negative impact on the long term public perception of your brand. It can be very difficult to recover from an association of food poisoning. Each Food Service outlet has a responsibility, not only to their customers, but to their brand and employees to ensure the highest standards are maintained, as the consequences can impact a great number of people. People’s health, first and foremost is at risk, and needs to be protected. But employment and income can also be affected by the fallout from a food poisoning outbreak.

Today we outline the essential dos and don’ts for complete compliance.


  • Keep it in your head – This is a recipe for disaster. It is impossible to properly communicate your plan to your staff without a documented plan.
  • Leave anything to chance – Fail to prepare. Prepare to fail. Ensuring the safety of the product you provide helps ensure the safety of your business.
  • Allow standards to drop – Avoid stepping on the slippery slope. Slacking on standards in one area will always lead slacking in other areas.
  • Make Excuses – The buck stops with you. Playing innocent will not work in this day and age. It’s your business, protect it.
  • Cut corners – The risk of closure and/or negative publicity far outweighs the short term gains to be made. Best practice must be followed by all staff.


  • Have a Documented Plan – Ensure your HACCP plan is recorded and staff are fully trained according to the plan. Copies should be available to staff.
  • Keep Records – It is imperative that all daily, weekly and monthly actions and tasks are catalogued. This allows for transparent compliance.
  • Monitor Temperature – Temperatures should be checked regularly whether it be fridges, freezers, food being cooked or cooked food in hot holding.
  • Constant Vigilance – Staff need to be trained and fully aware of all food safety hazards and know how to prevent all types of cross contamination.
  • Wash Hands – It’s a simple activity but is vital in the fight to prevent the spread of food borne illnesses. The more the better!

Food Safety experts Kelsius, can help your business protect against some of the dangers and implement the essential actions as outlined above. FoodCheck, by Kelsius, is an automated HACCP Management system using tablet based technology, the first of its kind on the market anywhere in the world.

With your company’s reputation and more significantly your income at stake, can you really afford to take a risk?