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Oil Tester App

The Oil Tester App ensures oil quality while extending the life of your cooking oil to reduce costs.
Cooking oil costs continue to increase year on year. For every food business this now represents a significant cost that needs to be managed effectively, while always ensuring a consistently safe standard of cooking oil quality.
Reduce costs, maintain oil quality
The Cooking Oil Tester works with the Kelsius Oil Pro App which captures cooking oil data, accessible from any web-enabled device:
More efficiencies, easier audits, no paperwork
How it works
The Cooking Oil Tester from Kelsius is a portable measuring instrument that quickly detects the aging of frying oil. The TPM value (total polar material) reflects the deterioration of edible oil due to high temperature during the frying process. The tester uses the change in capacitance value to determine the TPM content. The Cooking Oil Tester:
Total Polar Materials (TPM)

Edible oils used for frying undergo a series of physical and chemical changes during high-temperature frying, which produce substances that are harmful to health.

Total Polar Materials (TPM) is a method used to determine the degradation of frying oil. TPM refers to all products present in frying oil due to oxidation processes, including free fatty acids, products of low molecular weight decomposition, and polymerised substances. The EU has adopted a value of 25 to 27% as the acceptable upper limit for fats and oils.

Individual customers may choose to set their own values for upper and lower limits. Limits may vary by oil type.

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